Welcome to this month’s edition of the Dressage Today podcast sponsored by Saddlery Brands. Today we’ll be talking to. Listen first to disappointing news Aviva has to share about her horse Leo.
Next, Aviva shares advice for those wanting to try scribing for the first time. It may seem like an intimidating role, but it is one of the best ways to learn more about showing and the dressage tests.
Then, Stephanie and Aviva interview another trainer who has done well with an alternative breed. Cathy Echternach, of Poolesville, Maryland, has successful trained and competed Morgan horses through Grand Prix for many years.
Echternach has been a professional trainer and rider for more than 30 years. She’s earned her USDF Bronze, Silver, Gold medals and Gold Bar, and won USDF year-end awards through Grand Prix. Introduced to dressage by Nancy Tomlinson and Elizabeth Madlener, Echternach’s primary influencers include Pam Goodrich, Franz Rochanowski, Conrad Schumacher, Bill Warren and the late Uwe Steiner. She has teamed with Beth Brooke to operate Echternach Dressage at Broad Run Farm in Poolesville, Maryland.
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Podcast Editor: Merek Alam, http://brightafternoonproductions.com
Sponsor: batessaddles.com