OK, so maybe it is just me or maybe it is early, but I could not figure out a few things about my first assignment.
1. Am I supposed to do just the General Rules/Dressage Rules homework or “Homework On Session A”?
2. I do not have a hard copy of the rules and am having a heck of a time finding them all on the USEF website. Are the recent changes now in the “General Rules” and “Dressage Rules” or do I need to print them out separately? I am slighty embarassed to say that I am so used to having a hard copy of the rules, that I am not so great at using the USEF website to access the rules we use for competition.
After asking some people, here are the answers:
1. The homework for Session A is only the rules homework. 2 pages, one marked “dressage rules” the other marked “general rules”. The dressage rules page is only on the dressage section of the USEF rules and the general rules page is on the general section – although you might find some of the answer in the dressage section, you will not find the complete answer.
2. The General Rules and Dressage Rules on the USEF website are available here:
and you want to click on the most recent years USEF Rule Book at the top.
You will need the General Rules section that runs horizontally as a link, after Index and Opening.
You will also need the Dressage Rules section that runs vertically as a link below that, marked “DR=Dressage Division”.
TIP OF THE DAY: The Rules book is in pdf format. That means you can do a word search to answer your homework questions. I figured this out about halfway through and it saved me a lot of time.