You should be receiving your April issue any day now. And when you do, be sure to check out our 2012 Project Centerline Contest on page 24! Last year we held our first Centerline contest and it was a huge hit. Readers from around the globe sent in fantastic drawings, and those who couldn’t draw sent in wonderfully detailed descriptions of what they wanted to see in the way of new fashion in the dressage ring. It was an exciting contest that allowed creative juices to flow and the winners a chance to not only have their designs unveiled at Dressage at Devon, but also win incredible prizes from the sponsors.
With such success, we’ve decided to do it all again. And this year being the Olympic year, we’re ?asking you to share your Olympic inspired designs. We’ve even added a category that gets the horse’s garb in on the action. Be sure to check it out and don’t be afraid to send us your drawings, or even your ideas. Everything we receive will be considered. So don’t be shy and have fun!