I’ve never been entirely comfortable with change. I personally don’t know many people who are. But I do know that with change comes exciting opportunities, and that’s what I want to share with you as we move forward into our next chapter.
For close to 25 years, Dressage Today arrived in your mailbox each month, bringing you hundreds of training articles coupled with stories that made you not just a subscriber but a valued part of the DT family. Today, our family, like any other, is growing and changing with the times. The biggest change is the merging of Dressage Today print with our sister publication, Practical Horseman. Some of you may be familiar with Prac, a monthly magazine that has brought how-to training, health and lifestyle articles to subscribers for more than 40 years. Now, this iconic training magazine will not only offer larger issues, but will also provide more in-depth dressage training features as well as some popular columns from DT, including “Clinic with Susanne von Dietze,” “Solutions” and “Tips from Trainers.” To do this, Practical Horseman will come to you quarterly, with spring, summer, fall and winter issues.
In addition, there are a ton of exciting things planned for DressageToday.com to enhance the digital offerings, including a more robust online presence with articles, weekly podcasts with trainers and health experts, increased social-media coverage from our travels and, something I’m especially looking forward to working on—specific how-to training videos for our video subscription site. In fact, we just wrapped up a 12-week video series with longtime contributor and FEI trainer Felicitas von Neumann-Cosel, who is just as excited as we are about bringing dressage to life for our subscribers.
“This is such an incredibly exciting step,” said Felicitas. “We’ve been restricted to just words and some pictures, but pictures are always a little bit staged because you don’t know what happened in the stride before or after. I know that touch and feel can be part of learning and visualization is part of learning, too. I am very visual and when I see a really good rider I get very inspired and that visualization helps me to improve my riding. I hope we can do a similar thing for the audience.” We’ll be bringing the start of her series, “Harmony is Not a Coincidence,” to video subscribers soon. If you aren’t familiar with our video site, be sure to check it out and sign up for a free month by going to DressageTodayOnline.com/30freedt.
We’re excited about the future and hope you will join us in our journey. For subscription questions, please contact our customer service department at [email protected] or call (877) 717-8929 or (386) 447-6317.
Until next time,
Jennifer Mellace
Content Director, DressageToday.com