Following are results from the Dressage Today Virtual Show IV, judged by USEF ‘S’ judge Margaret Freeman. The top six horse-and-rider combinations from each class are listed. We will be contacting all riders individually to return tests and coordinate prizes for those who won their respective classes. If you do not see your name listed here, you either did not place within the top six of your class or were listed as a noncompete entry. We’d like to extend a special thank you to Vita Flex PRO and Farnam, who will providing a prize pack for the winner of each class.
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Class 1: Training Level
1. 74.31 percent- Diane Brigham on Novena
2. 68.27 percent- Emma Pretti on Fairmarq
3. 66.92 percent- Linda Stanger on Karrera
4. 64.83 percent- Danielle Sfeir on Hedger
5. 58.45 percent- Kim Toohey on Two Brook Georgianna
6. 56.73 percent- Amelia Casper on Spud
Class 2: First Level
1. 72.29 percent- Tajana Mrazovic on Topas
2. 67.64 percent- Kara Eikenbary on Orion
3. 64.86 percent- Diana Jansen on Kitkat
4. 64.48 percent- Shannon Donnelly on Goose
Class 3 Second-Fourth Levels
1. 67.63 percent- Amy Burnett on Dreamdancer
2. 67.03 percent- Arlene Neumann on Wie Westerland