We’d like to say a heartfelt thank you to everyone who entered our 2019 Blogger Contest! We read each and every single one of the entries we received and we were humbled to find so many riders who were eager to share their stories with us!

We would also like to thank our sponsor, Mackey Equine Accessories, for providing our winners with prizes! Each winner will receive the Mackey Classic Equestrian Backpack in addition to a one-year subscription to our on-demand training video library, Dressage Today Online.
So, without further ado…
Dressage Today is pleased to announce Jennifer Wuorinen and Jenna Arnold as the winners of the 2019 Dressage Today Blogger Contest!
Winner of Adult Amateur Division: Jennifer Wuorinen
Jennifer Wuorinen, of Lunenburg, Massachusetts, is a mom, rider and horse owner who works full time in a technical field. She owns a Drum Horse named Trooper, takes lessons on a Prix St. Georges schoolmaster and writes with a tremendous amount of personality and humor! We laughed out loud reading her entry and we think our readers will enjoy her perspective just as much as we did!

Winner of Professional Division: Jenna Arnold
Jenna Arnold, of Coupland, Texas, is a professional dressage rider who runs her training business, Concordia Dressage, with her husband, Martin. They have about 30 horses in training. This USDF gold medalist has brought foals through their adult years to Grand Prix level and feels a deep responsibility to carry on the tradition of classical riding. She also has a focus on mindful riding.

We can’t wait to share their stories with you! And stay tuned because the fun doesn’t quite end there…