To maximize the straightness and evenness of your connection…
Imagine that you are carrying a tray and placing it lightly on a shelf. Your hands must be the same height (as each side of the bit is carried at the same height), and your horse’s hindquarters step under his body to serve as the support system for his forehand at the height of the shelf. As your horse develops and carries more weight behind, he becomes more uphill, and your tray can be supported on a higher shelf—resting, but not leaning, on it. You should be able to ride gradually to a higher shelf as your horse develops. —Lilo Fore

Lilo Fore is a judge of many titles: retired FEI 5*, Para 3*, USEF “S” and Dressage Sport Horse judge “R.” She was one of the founders of the USDF Instructor/Trainer Certification program and she is the current chair. She is also a member of the USDF Dressage Committee.