Jochen Schleese Saddle Fitting Tip – Saddle Fitting and Red Shoes

Watch this hilarious video, starring Jochen Schleese, explaining the importance of purchasing the correct size saddle for You and Your horse.

You may ask what one has to do with the other; some of you may have seen the beautiful red patent leather pump in Schleese ads, or at various trade shows around the country. The red shoes are simply a metaphor for a situation that is often encountered in this industry. Trainers have a very special position in the life of the rider, and are seen as the main mentor. They act with the best interests of their students in mind, and know a lot about a lot. They are the #1 resource for the rider.

What this video intends to illustrate is simple – we are often influenced by the opinions and actions of our peers and by those we look up to – whether or not the things we end up doing are necessarily the best for us. Just because your best friend buys something that works for her, looks great on her, and helps her get where she needs to go does not mean that a) the same thing (let’s say it’s a dress) will fit you, look good on you, or be suitable for an occasion you need it for. In other words, just because your trainer loves a particular saddle, uses it on every horse, and may be sponsored by a certain company does not mean it’s going to fit you or your horse automatically. All we’re saying is – use your own best judgement – take advantage of diagnostic saddle fit evaluations to horse and rider – and make the decisions that work for you!

Jochen Schleese, Certified Master Saddler and Saddle Ergonomist developed the Saddlefit 4 Life 80 point diagnostic evaluation to help you and your horse achieve optimal saddle fit! Book a Saddlefit 4 Life Educational event for your group!

www.SaddlesforWomen.comand Guys too! 1-800-225-2242






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