Today’s tip about keeping colic at bay is something we all think about. As I’ve mentioned before, my horses live outdoors. The farm where I board has great run-ins, rolling pastures, a routine feeding schedule, ample amounts of gorgeous hay and plenty of water. This, coupled with the fact that they move around 24/7, helps keep my boys healthy.

But I didn’t always field board. In fact, I’ve only switched to keeping them outside within the last six years. Before that, my 21-year-old Trakehner/TB gelding was boarded at show facilities that rotated the horses in and out every 12 hours. During those winters I made sure I kept him in a routine work schedule, so on days when he couldn’t be turned out due to weather, he wasn’t stall-bound either. Even if it meant a winter ride through the snow?sometimes those are the best! I believe that, and making sure he was completely cooled out before putting him away, helped keep his gut healthy.
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