German Grand Prix rider and frequent contributor to Dressage Today, Uta Graf,
has released a new DVD series that explains her methods to dressage success. If you’re familiar with Uta, you’ll know that a large part of her training includes respect for the horse and his natural living conditions. She is a firm believer that horses should be allowed to be horses, even at the international level. In Part 1, “Motivating the Horse,” Uta shares her joy of horses and explains how the pleasure of being around them and caring for them can help a rider achieve his or her personal goals. In Part 2 (“Training the Rider”) she goes on to show how riding the right horse with the right trainer is key to creating a strong partnership with your horse. Finally, in Part 3, (“Competitive Success”) we get a look at how Uta prepares to compete and what she does before entering the ring. “Scrape off the mud and ride Grand Prix” is this successful rider’s motto. If you’re looking for motivation, this series is a must for your wish list.—Jennifer Mellace, Editor. The DVD set is available for purchase here at