Everything is progressing very well in Germany. The most shocking thing for me was the weather this week: rainy and cold. I have never lived somewhere where the summer was so cold. I have to wear a coat every day, and I haven’t seen the sun in a full week. The storm clouds are dark on the horizon, but when you see them it means take cover because they move quickly and you will be drenched if you think you have time to finish what you were doing outside.

I also fell in love with a German cake. It is called Mohnkuchen, and it is made out of poppy seeds between thin, pie-like crusts. It is only mildly sweet and it has the best texture! I hope to eat some tomorrow for Sunday brunch.
I rode many horses this week. I feel that with practice I am sitting in the deeper, “German” position with less effort and I can apply all the concepts I already knew before I came. The horses are improving and I am trusted with more riding and training opportunities.
I also received my license from the National Federation to show, and I am signed up for tests with two horses next month. There is a handicap system in Germany for horses and riders. It determines at which levels and which shows one may compete. It sounds fascinating, and when I understand it completely, I will explain it to you.