Let the show season begin!

It is 25 degrees out and nothing gets me warmed up like the start of the show season!

Forget Florida – showing in above freezing temperatures is for wimps – I am talking about the schooling show series at Morven Park in Virginia. What better way to take your minds off of the freezing temperatures than with the high-stress and pressures of running through your first dressage tests of the year? Or is it the other way around? Either way, everyone is excited about the show and seems to be less worried about how well it is going to go and more concerned with getting through the day without losing a leg to hypothermia.

I am most excited about the fact that the schooling show has gotten me back into “testing” mode – just in time for next weekend’s “L” Program – Session B.

If you have ever heard me rant about test prep, you will know I could write a book on the subject. As a seasoned dressage competitor, “L” candidate AND former Princeton Review SAT prep teacher, I have put a lot of thought into how to test. (In fact, you can see an article in an upcoming Dressage Today issue that I wrote about preparing for your dressage test using the tried and true techniques of multi-million dollar SAT prep companies).

Now, to return from my tangent…

Anyway, look for upcoming techniques on how to approach the test – from my background, and experiences from the schooling show this weekend. Wish us luck and warmth!

In the meantime, here is a great quote from the Lendon Gray clinic that I wrote down when watching the dvd of my lesson:
“If I bring the UPS man in here, he should be able to see your half halt.” She reminded me to ride quick, effective half halts with a clear moment of rebalancing followed by a relaxation of my muscles to prevent holding too long.






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