Winter 2010

You asked for pictures, so I took pictures! Below is a photo journal from my day today. After digging the truck/cars out, posting my blog and having breakfast, I headed out to work with students.

First stop: The gas station. I don’t know how it happened, especially since the guard posts are still standing, but the gas pump was knocked over! Luckily, they had another pump still standing – though they were out of everything but the 87.

Stop Two: Jill’s barn to help her with her horses and visit my guy. We ended up shoveling a path from the hay barn to the feed room, so we could bring a new load of hay over to the barn. After that, the horses were worked and we took some photos on the way up to her house.

We ended the visit with some exercises/stretching and an impromptu YouTube viewing of Steffen Peters rides. Her dogs were very involved with both the video watching and floor exercises. I think they have a bit of cabin fever as well, though the horses don’t even seem to notice that they are stuck inside.

Next stop: The Surrey. Unfortunately, they were closed and I will have to continue to wait for a new set of reins and a pair of lined gloves I have had my eye on to try. On a side note, SSG has made a new glove that is similar to the Roeckl Chesters that I just bought and love. They are cheaper and have a bit of stretchy material right at the knuckle, otherwise fit just like their Roeckl twins that they have been selling for a while. Wish they made them in winter weight. Although, I have found that wearing a 1/2 size up with thin fleece gloves underneath is a nice alternative to winter gloves.

Next stop: Merry Go Round Farm. The trailers are snowed in, so it looks like the Morven Schooling Show might be a no-go next weekend. However, everything went great – despite the snow sliding from the roof every so often. Love the new footing there, by the way. Also love the gorgeous sunset off the snow I saw today – what a lovely way to end a productive, though shorter, day.

..Looking forward to the long weekend to make up for it. Twenty students and counting between now and Sunday PM. Monday they are calling for more snow, so we have to get in the training when we can!






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